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Astrophotography with a Raspberry Pi. Part 2 - Headless Mode

Now that the Raspberry Pi has been initially set up, its time to allow us to use it in headless mode. This simply means being able to control it remotely, without needing a keyboard,mouse and monitor plugged in.

The first thing to do is to enable SSH ( Secure Shell ) on the RPi, open up the terminal and type in:

sudo raspi-config

Navigate to Interfacing Options, then SSH and set it to enabled, then restart using:

sudo reboot

Now that SSH is enabled, we need to install OpenSSH server using:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Once this is done restart the RPi again and we can check that it is running using:

sudo service ssh status

The final thing we need to do is find the IP of the RPi using:

sudo ifconfig

This will display a lot of information but what you are looking for comes under the wlan0 heading, next to inet addr: . In our case it is

You can now shutdown the RPi and unplug the mouse, keyboard and monitor but make sure it is connected via ethernet or the WiFi adaptor is left in.


Now that SSH is configured on the RPi we need to access it on our client machine. In our case that is running windows so we can't run it through the terminal and need to download an additional program called PuTTY:

Download and run the installer and open the program. While the RPi is running put in the IP address we found earlier and press open.

A terminal will open allowing you to log in and you can now remotely access and control the RPi.

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